Claude Warner - Executive Coach

The Key to Great Leadership

"the primary cause of leadership career derailment is inadequate emotional competence" 
Center for Creative Leadership           

 "when it comes to leaders, effectiveness in relationships makes or breaks" 

Daniel Goleman (author of Emotional and Social Intelligence) 

Further research reveals that:
  • Leaders lacking in Emotional Intelligence had significantly reduced leadership effectiveness. (George 2000)

  • Leaders with high Emotional Intelligence deal with potentially difficult situations more effectively (Jordan et al., 2002).

  • A study of 130 executives found that how well people handled their own emotions determined how much people around them preferred to deal with them (Walter V. Clarke Associates, 1997)
According to Warren Bennis, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Business Administraion, USC, Emotional intelligence, more than any other asset, more than IQ or technical expertise, is the most important overall success factor.”

Harvard University research shows that 85% of top performers' and managers' success is due to 20 people skills that can be learned and mastered.

We can increase our emotional and social intelligence over time, unlike our basic IQ, which is largely fixed from birth. This is a crucial skillset for effective leadership, and even more so in the new economy.

For leaders, working with an executive coach specializing in developing emotional and social intelligence enables you:

  • To grow your awareness (through psychometric assessment, feedback, and dialogue)

  • To identify high leverage personal leadership development areas.

  • To co-create a unique action plan to address these, taking into account your leadership context, needs and priorities.

  • To implement this on an action-learning basis, learning and applying skills in real life situations.

  • To measure success with assessment pre and post the coaching intervention.

There is a strong business case for coaching. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) 2009 Global Coaching Client Study indicates a median ROI of 570%. 

However, based on the transformative influence and organisational impact of high level corporate leaders, the ROI of leadership Emotional and Social Intelligence coaching could far exceed this.
Develop your leadership character. Increase your leadership performance. 

Call Claude Warner on +27 (0) 83 227 5153 or mail me at

Click here to Download my Coaching Profile (Pdf)

More on Emotional and Social Intelligence from Daniel Goleman

The virtuoso in interpersonal skills is the corporate future - Shoshona Zuboff

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to embrace change"

Chad Andrews - Snr GM
Aberdare Cables

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Tim Fox - Area Ops. Mngr
Transnet Freight Rail

"opened my eyes to my
thought processes and
behavioral patterns"

Gary Tiedemann - Branch
Manager, Aberdare Cables

"helped me to develop as
a more confident leader"

T Simmers - Business Owner

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